Peter Dut is a young Sudanese orphan. He lived in the infamous civil wars in Sudan. Surviving heat, drought, hunger, lion attacks and even militia gunfire, Peter reaches a refugee camp in Kenya. After surviving the war Peter and many other survivors lived in peace inside the warm huts of the refugee camps, an area far away from technology. They are now called "The lost boys" Because they were mostly orphans. Peter and many of his friends were chosen to go to Houston, Texas where they will work and live in harmony. To him and his friends this journey was like going to heaven. Peter and his friends will experience the difficulties that they will have to go through while assimilating into American culture.
Peter Dut confronted the American culture in many ways. He had to live in a different strange culture, earn money and fight for a better education. Peter and his friends had to live in a new world, a place where there is violence, racism and technology. On the first day at his apartment he starts to use electrical appliances like the lights, ovens and fridge. Throughout the first few months staying in Houston, he starts to understand the challenges living in America. There were many terrible people lurking around his neighbourhood. He is stressed by the fact that the bad people consists racist Americans. They were scarred of him, the really dark African being. Peter worked in a mall where he had to move the shopping baskets. He was chosen to do that because he had dark skin which meant because he’s African he can endure more heat than white people. Besides of the racism issues hanging loose in the streets, there were also violent gang members stealing money from Peter and his friends. The money meant a lot to Peter and his friends it was for his sister in Sudan and also for his food and apartment rents. Peter is frustrated with all these issues going around him that he had to turn and adjust to the American culture in a new way. Peter seeks for better education.
Peter deals his problem by moving out of Houston and entering Kansas. There he enrolls in High School to be able to have a greater future. At school he meets friends that help him out in classes. They go to church, play basketball and study in school. Peter works hard to adapt and fit in the American culture. Peter’s ability to work hard and not give up has helped him take a big step to adapt to the American culture.
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