Monday, September 28, 2009


The trait that I possess most is determination. I think this is the best trait that I would need to be able to fulfill my destiny. The reason why I think determination is the trait I possess is because at times where I am really feeling down or I have to finish another lap around the lower field, I would not look down, I would not lie down, and I would try my hardest to never give up. Pushing myself across my limits, passing my normal boundaries, and fighting to achieve my goal. This is important for anyone who wants to achieve their goal or destiny. If no one has determination then no one will succeed accomplishing their goal because no one will try hard and a goal is aiming for the best you can offer. If you can not offer the best then you will not be the best resulting in losing what you dreamed of achieving. All in all my trait that I possess most is determination, it will help me push my limits and reach far ahead for my goal. 

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